  • RealPortals



Create and manage portals using a portal gun in addition to the portal command.

Create and manage portals using a portal gun in addition to the portal command. I suppose these are no more real than any other portal, but we are using the newer Rust-defined portals rather than our own custom object.

A visible and audible effect will play on entrance and exit. We disable the opening door sounds of the Rust portal door.

Portals can be customized to provide server access, or access to your friends or Rust teammates. They can be further customized to be either two-way (default) or one-way, with entrance and exit that can be swapped as needed.

Each portal pair can have a custom name, although that name is not currently used.

Why Garry's toolgun? Why not?

Commands (console or /chat)

  • portal -- Has subcommands as shown below. If typed by itself with no arguments, it will show details about the portal in front of the user.

  • portal name {NEWNAME} -- Assign a name to the portal

  • portal all {true/false} -- Set access to all players

  • portal friends {true/false} -- Allow friends/clans/teams to access the portal

  • portal bi {true/false} -- Set the portal to be bidirectional or not (default is true)

  • portal swap -- Swap the ends of the portal so that exit becomes entrance, etc. Only useful for unidirectional portals.

  • portal tool -- Issue the Gary's Mod Toolgun to the user so that they can create and destroy portals.

The way of the gun

  1. If a player has a toolgun and the realportals.gun permission, they can manage portals.
  2. If a player does not have a toolgun, but they do have the permission, they can deploy one using 'portal tool'.
  3. To create a portal
    • First, go to the location of the portal entrance, or first location.
    • Equip the tool gun.
    • Hold down your use key and press the primary fire button on your mouse.
    • Next, move to the location of the portal exit, or second location.
    • Equip the tool gun (again).
    • Hold down your use key and press the primary fire button on your mouse.
  4. To destroy a portal you own (unless you are an admin in which case you can destroy any portal)
    • First, go to the location of the portal entrance OR exit.
    • Be sure not to get too close or you will be teleported.
    • Look at the portal door.
    • Hold down your use key and press the secondary fire button on your mouse.
  5. Firing the gun at a portal will tell you the name and whether it is an entrance or exit. For more info, use the portal command with no arguments.
  6. Your toolgun will be removed on connect or disconnect. Simply request a new one when you reconnect using 'portal tool'. This is done to prevent abusing the privilege and harvesting all the tools a player might create for resources...


  "requirePermission": false,
  "useFriends": true,
  "useClans": true,
  "useTeams": true,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 4
  • requirePermission -- If true, users must have the realportals.use permission to use portals
  • useFriends -- Use a friends plugin to manage access to shared portals
  • useClans -- Use a clans plugin to manage access to shared portals
  • useTeams -- Use Rust teams to manage access to shared portals


  • realportals.use -- Required to use plugin-defined portals
  • realportals.gun -- Required to manage portals including the issuance of a portal gun


  • Add a snapto feature to allow the door to fit in with building parts or even public utilities (with permission).

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